Website 可访问性 Recommendations for Minnesota Cities

稳定的十大彩票网站信息和稳定的十大彩票网站的可及性是所有城市及其组成部分所重视的基本原则. 不幸的是, 为残疾人士而设, 随着新技术允许向公众提供更多的内容,获取信息和稳定的十大彩票网站变得越来越困难,但并不总是以残疾人可以轻松查看或获取的形式.

近年来, 一些稳定的十大彩票网站机构面临诉讼,因为他们没有以残疾人可以访问的形式提供他们网站上的信息. While technology and legal standards are ever-evolving, a city can take certain steps to not only reduce the risk of claims but, 更重要的是, to better serve its citizens.



步骤1. Develop an internal plan/policy

First, start with a self-evaluation. Does the city have an internal policy for handling requests for accessibility? A policy that’s readily available to the public? How accessible is your website to individuals with disabilities?

下一个, 制定一个内部计划,说明城市将如何回应残障人士的要求. 如果您已经有了访问计划或策略,现在是检查和更新它的好时机. 作为任何计划的一部分,工作人员都应接受培训,了解如何回答访问问题和请求. Consider including handling access requests in a specific position’s job duties, and also making sure you’ve designated a back-up position to handle such requests. 例如, if your city has a clerk and a deputy clerk, include this as a duty in both job descriptions.


  • If a request comes in via phone, 电子邮件, 或者亲自去, follow data practices law for the process and stress an interactive dialog.
  • 记录日期, time, 以及请求的实质内容, noting the city’s interest in working with the requester.
  • Get information from the requester about the alternative format they need.
  • Note how the requested information will be provided (e.g.,邮寄,亲自).
  • Document progress, any problems, and the final response.
  • 建立申诉程序,以解决有关个人访问请求的投诉或关切.

步骤2. Provide the public with procedures to access information

在城市的网站上, 包括如果个人发现你的网站上的信息对他们来说是不可访问的,他们应该使用的程序.

从 布莱恩市明尼苏达州:

“If you use assistive technology (such as a Braille reader, 屏幕阅读器, 或TTY),以及本网站任何资料的格式会干扰您获取信息的能力, 请稳定的十大彩票网站. To enable us to respond in a manner most helpful to you, please indicate the nature of your accessibility problem, the preferred format in which to receive the material, the web address of the requested material, 还有你的联系方式. 需要无障碍帮助的用户也可以通过联邦信息中继服务电话稳定的十大彩票网站,电话号码是[电话号码],用于TTY/语音通信.”


步骤3. Try to make the changes that have the most impact now

美国司法部根据他们最常看到的投诉,列出了一份网站整改的具体建议清单. Check your city’s website to see if the city can make some of the changes now.


  • All photos or graphics should be accompanied by a text description of the image.
  • Website design should avoid specifying colors and font sizes.
  • 视频和其他多媒体应该具有可访问的功能,如封闭字幕.
  • Documents must be posted in an accessible format. Electronic documents in formats 例如Word, PDF, Excel, 和PowerPoint是可以访问的,如果它们的创建和维护得当,使其与屏幕阅读器兼容. Electronic documents that are accessible will have:
    • A logical structure and reading order.
    • Alternate text descriptions for figures, form fields, and links.
    • 助航设备(e.g., links, bookmarks, table of contents).
    • Security that doesn’t interfere with assistive technology.
    • Fonts that allow characters to be extracted to text.

    It is common for electronic documents on websites to be posted in a PDF format. However, frequently the PDF documents are not created in an accessible format. 有几个稳定的十大彩票网站可以确保电子文档采用流行的格式, 例如Word, PDF, Excel, 和演示文稿, are created and maintained in a format that’s accessible to people with disabilities. 使用以下稳定的十大彩票网站来确定您所在城市网站上的文档是否可访问.



  • 在网页的顶部包含一个“跳过导航”链接,允许使用屏幕阅读器的用户忽略导航链接,直接跳到网页内容.
  • Minimize 闪烁的, flashing, or other distracting features. 如果必须包含的话, 确保搬家, 闪烁的, or auto-updating objects or pages may be paused or stopped.
  • 设计在线表单以包含描述性HTML标签,为残疾人提供他们完成和提交表单所需的信息.
  • Include visual notification and transcripts if sounds automatically play.
  • 提供自动刷新或需要定时响应的页面的第二个静态副本.
  • 使用标题, 上下文, 和其他标题结构,以帮助用户浏览复杂的页面或元素(如使用框架的网页)。.


步骤4. Make sure employment opportunities are accessible

检讨网上申请程序,找出残疾人士在就业方面可能遇到的障碍. 这将有助于一个城市吸引最广泛的合格候选人,并减少声称你的网站或工作申请过程不完全适合残疾人的可能性, such as those who are blind or have low vision, 你是聋子还是重听, 或者身体残疾影响了手的灵活性(比如使用鼠标的能力有限).

Whatever process you use for advertising and accepting applications, consider what changes can be made to facilitate a more accessible process. If using an online application process, 考虑采用符合Web内容可访问性指南的标准.0(见下文5).

步骤5. Raise your standards and add a statement now

虽然《稳定的十大彩票网站》尚未规定地方稳定的十大彩票网站网站或电子材料的标准, 法律确实要求项目和服务能够方便残疾人使用. The tech industry seems to agree that the Web Content 可访问性 Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0级AA standard is the best available to satisfy this requirement. If your city has any plans to update or alter its website, 您应该将这些标准视为规划阶段的一部分,并与您的web开发人员进行讨论.

If your city is not able to make changes just now, consider adding a statement to your website about your plans for the future. 例如:“我们正在评估城市网站及其电子文件的可访问性,以制定计划,以遵守和遵循网站可访问性标准中规定的最佳做法。 第508节 联邦劳动力康复法案和网络内容可访问性指南(WCAG) 2.0 A和AA.”

当然, even if compliance with WCAG is not currently possible, 一个城市在制定或更新其网站可访问性计划时应考虑到上述步骤1-4.